
Showing posts with the label Norwegian

MDT: TimeZoneName and index number list

Remebering time zone name and number are a hasle so here are the list for the next time you (or I) need it. Norwegian settings for MDT are: TimeZone=110 TimeZoneName=W. Europe Standard Time (InputLocale=0414:00000414) (KeyboardLocale=nb-NO) The complete list are as following:

How to find english symbols when using a norwegian keyboard

Sitting on a Norwegian keyboard with computers that have english settings are often a pain in the ass. Remeber some of the most importen once usely goes ok, but going into the "On-Screen Keyboard" to find the once I forget takes a long time. So here are a list of the once I know beeing used. Give me a comment if somethigs missing How to get English symbols with Norwegian keyboard: English Symbol Norwegian Keyboard Key / - \ * ? Shift + - @ Shift + 2 $ Shift + 4 “ Shift + æ : Shift + ø ; Ø - + _ Shift + ? = \ ( Shift + 9 ) Shift + 0 <   Shift + ; >   Shift + : * Shift + 8 & Shift + 7 + Shift + \ [ Ã… ] ¨ { Shift + Ã¥ } Shift + ^ ‘ Æ | Sh...