A Safer Way Of Running Unsigned Powershell Scripts
There is no doubt that
as a company you should have setup a way of signing all the PowerShell script you are intending to run in your production environment.
But as we all known there will be situation where you want to run unsigned code, or maybe you are testing things out before you are ready to sign them.
But as we all known there will be situation where you want to run unsigned code, or maybe you are testing things out before you are ready to sign them.
No matter the reason
why, but if you do need to run scripts in unrestricted or another scope mode
you should try to keep it as secure as possible. Examples for how to think
security could be:
- Do not make the change permanent
- Limit the timeframe and scope of the changed setting
This can be easily done by adding a
“-Scope” to the command.
In PowerShell:
When you have started
PowerShell and need to change the execution mode you can use the following line:
unrestricted -scope process; ./Favorit_Tool_v2.1.ps1
(use full path if you’re not in the folder with the script)
If you want to start
PowerShell with the scope set, you can use:
-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
In the first scenario
only the “Favorit_Tool_v2.1.ps1” are run in unrestricted mode, all following
command will be run under default of set mode.
The second scenario
the entire session will from now until the session are ended, or the scope are
modified again, continue to run with execution policy set to unrestricted.
If you want to verify
policy setting just run:
A Different way of
doing a limitation of the escalation to run as a “one event” process is by
starting it from the command prompt.
From CMD:
Running a script from
command prompt will ensure that the process is ended when the script is
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -scope process; ./Favorit_Tool_v2.1.ps1
(use full path if you’re not in the folder with the script)