I Was thinking about starting this blog post like this:
What do I have in common with Ozzy, Iron Maiden and Bob Seger?

We are all gone perform in Las Vegas fabulous MGM Grand this year.

But that might have been perceived as high-pitched. So instead I will start by stating that I am so looking forward to being speaking at the largest SharePoint conference that has gathered an impressive gang of highly skilled speakers https://sharepointna.com/#!/speakers

Even the guy from “Back to the future (# 4?)” is going to speak there. And that should make it promising, after all, I am quite sure he has used his abilities to create a session that will be future-oriented

But how do I fit into this deck of amazing sessions you might ask yourself. Well, I am no SharePoint dude per se, but SharePoint has grown into a product that effects almost all users and IT pros in one way or another. So, with the main focus on making the best out of the user’s experience with the organization’s systems, while still maintaining security you need to know about where your user's data and information are located. So yes, SharePoint are important and effecting most IT workers and consumers.

Hope I will see you at my session on wednesday during the conferecen week: 
Secure the data, not the device  (Spoiler alert, you should also secure the device)

Contant me on twitter if you want to meet up sometime during the conference, or if you have question, comments or just wnat to say hi

If you haven't signed up yet user this link: https://www.sharepointna.com/#!/register?utm_term=TVEDT 
or type in TVEDT are code to save some money

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