
Showing posts from April, 2020

Finding empty resource groups in Azure

Not easy to have control over your Azure resource groups, but maybe find all those whiteout any content could help? I have created a PowerShell script helping me in my environment. Should be easy to adjust it to different needs. Got valuable help from VidarW

Cheat for PowerShell connecting to remote machine

Yes I know, it's quite easy to connect against a remote machine to run PowerShell. But I am not doing it on a regular basis so I always forget: Enter-PSSession -ComputerName COMPUTER -Credential USER

Creating Azure Resource Groups with PowerShell

I am working in a intense DevOps environment so I am creating new Resource Groups in Azure quite often. Doing this the manual way are of course are quite boring and might open up for different types of mistakes.  So way not make sure that the mistakes are consistent and do it with a script?