
Showing posts from October, 2011

MAP 6.5 Beta

MAP Toolkit v6.5 Beta is now available at Microsoft Connect: I don't think that you will be surprised over the fact that beside better user interface, its all about the cloud. Download load it now and find out about the new features yourself: Enhancements to the MAP user experience which streamline tasks and improve overall usability   Server virtualization and consolidation feature enhancements including: The ability to customize Microsoft Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track Configurations The ability to set utilization thresholds for virtualization hosts and infrastructure Enhanced UI controls that allows users to quickly find, filter, and select the list of machines targeted for virtualization Additional in-depth migration analysis of applications to the Windows Azure Platform Software Usage Tracking for Forefront Endpoint Prote...

Creating an ISO file

Working in the virtual world its often easier to just create an iso file to move data/tools/etc. to the VM's, but Windows 7 can only burn iso files, not create them. (Windows 8 can mount them to) Most free programs have the possibility to either burn or mount them, again not create. Programs that can create ISO files are often complex and/or not free. So today I just installed a cd burner program that I haven't used for years, but its free and small (4-5 Mb). And to my pleasent surpise its have the choice to save as ISO file. Nice :-) Hat of to CdBurnerXP

Intune session for Mtug Bergen

I will hold a session on Intune on the 18 of october in Bergen for the "Microsoft Technology User Group" This is the day after release of the next version, so it will include the new version as well as the goodies from the first version. Please spread the word

Seminar hos EDB Ergogroup Bergen

Velkommen til en opplevelsesrik Microsoft-dag Torsdag 24. november setter Microsoft opp sitt fantastiske opplevelsessenter i lokalene vĆ„re pĆ„ Bryggen i Bergen.  Sammen med andre kunder fĆ„r du et innblikk i mulighetene som teknologien gir. Vi fokuserer spesielt pĆ„ hvordan oppnĆ„ bedre kommunikasjon og samhandling i egen virksomhet og ut mot samarbeidspartnere/kunder. Du fĆ„r garantert ideer som kan tas i bruk i egen virksomhet! For IKT - medarbeidere tilbyr vi korte foredrag innen Microsoft teknologi; Windows 8, Windows Phone 7.5 (kodenavn Mango), SharePoint 2010, CRM 2011, Microsoft BI, Microsoft Lync, System Center Roadmap mm. Disse gĆ„r fortlĆøpende utover ettermiddagen i korte ā€œslotā€™erā€ Ć  20 min slik at har anledning du fĆ„r med deg  ā€“ og kryss av pĆ„ pĆ„meldingsskjemaet hva du vil delta pĆ„. Vi starter med en uformell lunsj fra kl. 11:30. Deretter blir det noen timer med faglig pĆ„fyll, fĆør det blir litt god mat, drikke og mulighet til Ć„ mingle med vĆ„re konsul...

What's hot in Oslo

And the answer is ME (no not the so called "Operating system") I will have a session on the "Whats Hot?" on thuesday 27. okt talking about System Center 2012 To se more go here: Or to sign on go here: After a great day with knowledge we will attend the Tintin movie

Controlling your group policies with Wmi filters

The possibility to control group policies with wmi filers have been around for quite a while, but still I see companies doing weird stuff with logon script instead of using it. In fact most companies I am visiting donā€™t know how to use it, and therefor they donā€™t. And in many cases running group policies that are not intended for the computer can create serious problems. Instead of using wmi filters and script you might of course create an OU design that will help you, but even then it will be cases with policies running on computers it should not have been applied to or not running on all computers its intended to. For example if somebody creates a new forest wide group policy adjusting the firewall rules, intended for all Windows client. You might not want that policy implemented on your server. Using a security group for filtering might prevent it from running on the servers but it might also cause all new clients to not run it, since they need to be put into the right security g...