
Showing posts from December, 2012

Nordic Infrastructure Conference sessions

The second edition of NIC will be held january 24-25, and a killer a program this year too. I will host two session this year too, and enjoy lots of top class speakers rest of the time

MDT - The task sequence has been suspended. LiteTouch is trying to install applications

Every now and then I get this error message when fuelling a computer with MDT: "The task sequence has been suspended. LiteTouch is trying to install applications. This cannot be performed in Windows PE."

Magic of the right click on the lower left corner

There are lots of new thing to learn about Windows 8, something because they are better or new and some because you are missing something from previouse version of Windows. This tip are because you are missing something from previouse versions :-) The start button are dead and replaced with a start menu. In many cases this will workout fine, but some you need faster way to find what you need.