
Showing posts from 2017

Workaround for "Unable to establish connectivity with AirServer"

I love using AirServer when I do demonstrations or a creating guides or slides on mobile devices, and in most cases it works nicely on my Android or Windows based devices. But it's on iOS devices it's most necessary to have a screen mirroring service. There is no emulators for iOS devices (that I know of) that I can use locally installed on my laptop, there is decent once for Android and Windows ( Visual Studio Android emulator are one example) so I could run them emulated. But I much more prefer to run a "real" device.

Exchange: Find mailboxes without language settings and fix it without messing up the correct once

Had some users that had problem setting up Outlook profile. When they logged on to the web mail interface they where asked about regional settings. After that setting up the profile worked. Doing some investigations we discovered that lots off users did not have the settings.

TechDays Sweden: What a fantastic day

Just chilling after 2 amassing session here at TechDays in Stockholm Promised to get the presentation out to night so here they are: LET'S PUT THE BUSINESS INTO ONEDRIVE FOR BUSINESS   WHATā€™S NEW FOR SMBS IN FALL CREATORS UPDATE And if you want my Test-OneDrivePath.ps1 you can find the newest version on my GitHub under construction page HERE Maybe I will have time to create a better guide for it soon. Remember it works just as well with your Sharepoint migration

Ignite Session: THR3026, The Presentation!

Had an awesome Microsoft Ignite, my session was packed with the most excellent people. I recorded my demos, so I promised to make the demos available here on my blog.

Ignite Session: THR3026, THE Script!!!

Without any fuzz, here it is The Script. Short and sweet just like me. Will make a better blogpost with more info so watch this blog ;-)

Ignite Session: THR3026 - Migrating home folders to OneDrive for Business

One of the big benefit of working in a company like Lumagate is the focus on continuous development of knowledge among the employees. Combining this with the amassing culture of sharing is caring mentality, gives us that special edge that is needed to solve challenges. I had been trying to create a script to search for OneDrive limitations in folders to use before migrating or to have as a troubleshooting tools during migration. The Microsoft support and recovery assistant for office 365  can be helpful, but that require to be installed and are a GUI based solution. So running a script is a much more efficient way. I was a bit stuck so I just posted a "help me, please" note in our Teams channel and 1 hour late I had a really promising draft of a script handed to me by my colleague Reidar Johansen .

EM+S Overview of documentation

This blog entries started as a "note to self". There is a lot of information out there and when needed you can of course Google it on Bing, but sometimes it nice just to browse a page looking for inspiration or have a place to go where you know the information are of high quality. So I created this list with links to EM+S product homepage and official documentation. I also included links to playbooks for ATA, CAS and AAD. I love the playbooks, they are a great source to test and learn.  Microsoft Virtual Academy also have some nice classes for EM+S related learning

Are alle necessary updates in place

When you are setting up servers and installing Server software you will often discover that you are missing certain KB updates that are requirements for the software. Often will this be related to that server are patch from a strict security related point of view, so new "features", will not be pushed out by SCCM or other similar tools. Sadly with this strategy important optimization and stability upgrades as well as necessary updates for application installation are missing.

MVP Dagen nƦrmer seg (Norwegian post)

Da er det bare en uke til MVP dagen  hvor 10 fantastiske Norske MVP'er og meg skal ha en dag fult av praktiskte foredrag pĆ„ norsk med norske forhold som utgangspunktet.  At dette er noe som er interessant er det ingen tvil om, selv om vi utvidet deltager antallet er det nĆ„ nesten fult igjen. SĆ„ har du ikke bestilt billett ennĆ„ bĆør du komme deg inn pĆ„ registeringssiden  og registrere deg fĆør de siste billettene er borte.

When was Windows started?

How long have the Server of PC been running? Sometimes you need to figure when the OS was started. As always there are different was of getting this information. Some ways are quick and easy when you are sitting with the OS GUI in front of you, but other times you might want to use it in a script or get it from the command line. Here are a selection of methods I use. GUI You can checkout network adapter duration, but you will easier find the "Task Manager - Performance - Up Time"

When was Windows installed?

For different reason, you might want to know when Windows installed. Luckily you can find this information other places then checking out the date on certain system files that was created/modified and stamped at the same time as when you installed Windows. The file date stamp method does not in calculate that files change this information during upgrades etc. during the lifecycle of the installation  In registry, you have a Key to help you with this information. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\InstallDate

A Safer Way Of Running Unsigned Powershell Scripts

There is no doubt that as a company you should have setup a way of signing all the PowerShell script you are intending to run in your production environment. But as we all known there will be situation where you want to run unsigned code, or maybe you are testing things out before you are ready to sign them.

Slide deck from Hackcon2017

The slide deck from my session "Protecting your critical systems from new and unknown malware, 0-days, and APT" can be downloaded  here

Hackcon #12

I will be speaking at this years Hackcon in Oslo.  It is in Norwegian, my session content are covered HERE . A very short English summary are: Protecting your critical systems from new and unknown malware, 0-days, and APT with modern features as for instance Device/Credential Manager and Identity protection. About Hackcon The national cyber / information security conference HackCon was established in 2005. The Hackcon network consists of people from Norway who hold high safety expertise in cyber / information. The goal was to create practical cyber / information security courses and safety conference, combined with a social meeting place to meet future challenges in cyber / information For complete Hackcon #12 agenda you can go HERE