
Showing posts from 2018

SharePoint Conference 2019 - Secure the data, not the device

Hi, I am just sitting here and planning my session for SharePoint Conference 2019. While SharePoint have been around for a while now, it might seem like 2019 will be a year when many companies will start to migrate content of their file servers to SharePoint Online.

Ignite - The Windows 10 tips you wished you knew last week #THR2152


Installing Android on a Hyper-V virtual machine

Working with mobile device management (MDM) require a lot of testing. With Windows 10 testing is no problem (except those things that demand to be done on a physical device by different reasons), they can easily be run virtual. But when it comes to phones and tablets it have not been that easy. Visual Studio and some other solutions where out there, but they did not come with Store access or they had dependence which excluded Hyper-V from running. Some Emulators runs in a Hyper-V VM with Windows 10, but not on the host itself. So, if you got it to work it was usually slow and painful.

Windows Defender Advanced Threath Protection - Isolation and Investigaton packages

I have been playing around with the Windows Defender ATP and recorded a quick video showing the investigation package collection and isolation of a machine.

Tired of using SMS as multifactor authentication in Office 365?

Are you tired of using SMS messages for MFA (multi-factor authentication)?   Why not switch to the Azure authenticator app?   Or maybe you already have the app installed but you still continue to get those annoying SMS (like me).

PowerShell script to create a junction point to make it easier to access OneDrive from VDI, Citrix and Remote Desktop Services

A workaround when you are using any kind of Remote Desktop Services, VDI and other terminal services function (or applications) that do not support the OneDrive for business client is accessing the files from the PC you are physical logged on. But browsing to the file path where the files/file links are physical locate might be a bit too much to ask your users for.

Upcoming seminars, conferences and public appearance of the Bluescreen Brothers

Looking like it will be a busy period forward regarding public speaking. So just as you can keep track here is a list of dates of verified ā€œshowsā€

Migrating users homefolders or fileshares to OneDrive/Sharepoint with PowerShell

Moving files from on premise fileservers are a task more and more organizations are working with, both home folders to OneDrive and fileshares to sites. Microsoft have created a nice graphical interface for this task "Microsoft SharePoint Migration Tool", you can check it out in my blog post " Migration users homefolders to OneDrive with Microsoft SharePoint Migration Tool " But there are some limitations, and in many cases, it might be simpler to just script the process. Microsoft has also created a guide for that too. The guide are called " Upload on-premises content to SharePoint Online using PowerShell cmdlets "

Migrating users homefolders to OneDrive with Microsoft SharePoint Migration Tool

Migration to OneDrive seems to be a hot topic these days, I have done several sessions on different conferences the last 6-8 months. And every time the room have been overfilled with curious people, my Ignite session had about 3 times the audience as the room was setup for and during Techdays in Sweden there where people standing all over the room and in the door opening for an hour. It would be nice for my ego to just write that on my score card as being awesome, but I think I must be honest enough to share the glory with hitting the right topic at the right time. So, I will try to create some articles and help guiding more people to start using OneDrive as the primary storage for the userā€™s own files. 

NICCONF: OneDrive Scripts


Quick guide on how to run BgInfo background as Group Policy login

I know, it's simple. But I always forget some minor details when it have been a while since last time. So this blogpost is more a reminder to my self. Goal = Get same background picture an all PC (and/or Server) Doing it very simplified and easy in this guide, but you should normally use  folder structure for the files and a suitable Group Policy or more for the setting themself.