
Showing posts from 2015

EVRY Windows 10 Gold Partner Event - Slide decks

My slides from the EVRY Windows 10 event can be downloaded HERE This time covering the focus on the user experience, security and mobility in Windows 10 Enterprise version.

Microsoft Norway Windows 10 Partner BootCamp slide decks

My slide decks from the Windows 10 Partner Bootcamp are ready for download Microsoft Windows 10 Bootcamp - Active directory Microsoft Windows 10 Bootcamp - MDT Offline media Microsoft Windows 10 Bootcamp - Windows as a service

Windows 10 Summit / Modern Workplace Summit 2015 - Slide deck available

Modern Workplace Summit have come to an end, it was a great conference, thanks to StĆ„le  and Johan for making it happen, well done.  

Windows 10 - Changing network profile from public to private

Sometimes you need to make sure that your network profile are defined as ā€œPrivateā€, for instance when you want to connect to the computer with Remote desktop, or other firewall related configurations. First time you connect to a network you will get a pop up that actually are asking you if you want the network to be used as a ā€œPrivateā€ or ā€œPublicā€ network, it just ask in a bit ā€œconfusingā€ way. (Domain profileā€ are only available for domain joined computers and will be automatic selected if there is a domain controller on the network).

Deploying Windows 10

In middle of August Windows 10 have supposedly reached more than 50 million computers (info here ), and with users trying it out at home and loving it, the pressure to get it at work computers also are build up. Microsoft have done different measure to make sure that enterprises will have more control over their Windows 10 deployment. The Windows 10 upgrade should be automatically blocked on computers or devices in the following scenarios:

Windows 10 Build 10158 and up product keys

The Insider Preview build of Windows 10 are getting new products keys. If you are upgrading from a previous build you should not get any problem with the old activated keys. If you are doing a new clean install you will need to type in the right product keys. Clean install can be done when the ISO file is available later (when the build hits slow ring), or when you create your own ISO with this guide  from the ESD file

Windows Server 2003/R2 End of life 14. July 2015

A great friend will leave us on july the 14. 2015. He have served us well and his descendants will for sure continue to server us into the future. Thanks for your services my old friend What does this mean and what can/should we now do?

#EVRYWhatsNext Slide Deck from my EMS/MDM session

You can download my slide deck from HERE

#EVRYWhatsNext Slide Deck from Microsoft's session about Windows 10 and Surface

You can download the slide deck from the session HERE  

Windows 10 breakfast seminar slide deck are now ready for download

Lots of topics cover in what time we had available today. Some minor problem with running it all on a build of Windows 10 made public about 12 hours before the seminar (of course display driver related ;-), but still a fun session to do.   Slides HERE

Noen ledige plasser pƄ Windows 10 frokost semniar i Bergen 21.mai

Det er et par ledige plasser pĆ„ frokost seminaret jeg skal holde pĆ„ torsdag 21.mai. Jeg kommer til Ć„ se pĆ„ versjoner av Windows 10, oppdateringering (inkludert "Current branch for business" og "Long term servicing branch"), sikkerhet og mye mer. Mer informasjon HER  og pĆ„melding HER

Ignite - Slides from my session

Ignite is over, a great week with lots of highlights. After 3 session with The Blues Brother as a starter topic, it was a real pleasure on the 4 and last session to get visited bye them on stage.   My session can be downloaded here Creating USB Install Media With MDT The 15 Minute Surface Deployment Guide   Picuture from unitedsandhausen  

How to get and use the Windows key from UEFI/BIOS

I found myself in the situation that I needed to get the Windows key out from the ACPI in the UEFI bios and preferable get to use it in a task sequence in MDT. There are different ways of doing this, but I wanted to do this with little code and easy to understand. There is a nice tool created to get the key on github, created by Christian Korneck, called get_win81key. This tool gives you the key in plane text. You can get it HERE: If I were supposed to do this manually, I now would just take that key and type it in with slmgr command or in the GUI. But I want to do this within a task in MDT. Testing a couple of solutions without using the get_win8key with my great scripting guru colleague HĆ„vard ( ) and figuring out that it cannot be done with default powershell stuff, it needs more code. Therefore, we quickly figured out that some use of the ā€œget_win8keyā€ files is the easiest way, but we need a way of ...

My sessions at Ignite 2015

Just days away from Ignite in Chicago, and I am already on the way from Norway. I will do 2 different sessions this year with a repeat on both. This is Windows Theater sessions so that means it will be 15-20 intense minutes, no time for bull.

Check if your script are running in administrator context

Doing system changes via a script files will often require that you run it in the context of administrator. Doing this with script I run myself is easy enough, I know that if it fails it is because I forgot to use "Run as administrator" when I started it (or did a poor job creating the script). However when creating scripts that other people will run it will be a good idea to add a check in the script and give feedback to the person running it.

Surface Pro series: New MSI Download

The Surface Pro series have now gotten a new MSI file that you can download from HERE If you want details you can read more about it at Joe Eldridge blogpost on Technet (forget that it says "Surface Pro 3, it is for all three versions)

NIC: Connecting Windows 10 to the Cloud (Azure AD Domain Join)

On my NIC 2015 session Control and manage you cloud Clients I did lots of talking about the Azure Active Directory Device Join feature in Windows 10.

NIC: Control and Manage Your Cloud Clients

  The slide deck from my NIC 2015 session "Control and Manage Your Cloud Clients" can be downloaded from here

Microsoft Days Bergen: Customers Cloud experience

Last run of the customer cloud experience here in Bergen   The slide can be downloaded Here

Microsoft Days Bergen: The Perfect 10 slides

Just finished the first session about Windows 10 here in Bergen   And the slide can be downloaded from here  if you want them

NIC: Slides from mine and Alexander's session are now ready for download

Last day here at NIC, me and Alexander will do a repeat of out cool session " Optimizing Surface deployment and connected standby (with Olav Tvedt)"  from yesterday at 15:00 in room 5 And you can now download the slides from that session here

NIC Special: Binary converter

As ASCII codes represents text in computers, communications equipment, and other devices that use text. Most modern character-encoding schemes are based on ASCII, in addition, they support many additional characters.

Veeam and meet up at VMUG Bergen 19.February

If you want to get information about Veeam backup and reel life examples the VMUG gathering in Bergen is the place to be You can also learn about what's new in and in the process win a  

I am no longer a Setup & Deployment MVP

But now an Windows Expert-IT Pro MVP  (and still a drama queen, obviously) After 6 1/2 year as an Setup & Deployment MVP (lately know as Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing) I have now changed expertise area to be become an Windows Expert-IT Pro MVP

Deploying Windows 10 Preview with MDT 2013

For now MDT doesn't support deploying Windows 10. That is related too the new version number Windows got with build 9926.  

Windows 10 Gives better control for Windows update

Playing around with the new Windows 10 Technical preview build 9926 I went in to check for updates since I was missing my display drivers, figuring out that it's better too check if Windows update have them, then installing the Windows 8.1 version (this will in most cases work, and this is what I had to do on the previous public build). There was some updates, so I started to install them, and after it was finished I got a real positive news about the update feature in Windows 10

Unlimited retention time on deleted items on Exchange online in Office 365

Currently in Office 365's Exchange online, your users items in the delete folders will be automatically "deleted" after a maximum of 30 days. Even though you can go into the management in Exchange admin center and change the values to something higher or to use never it will actually not be more than 30 day retention time for the items in delete items box (or junk mail folder)